The General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises, known as ‘Monsha’at’, recently orchestrated an event dubbed Ambitious Wednesday. This initiative was crafted to train suppliers from burgeoning small and medium-sized companies. The gathering was graced by the presence of rapidly growing ‘Ambitious’ enterprises, along with partners from both government and private sectors, all united by the goal of shining a light on the primary challenges faced by entrepreneurs and supporting them in realizing their ambitions.
The event featured a significant presence of rapidly expanding industrial firms, in collaboration with Saudi Aramco. It welcomed 59 beneficiaries from the ‘Ambitious’ enterprises; a presentation was delivered outlining Saudi Aramco’s supplier qualification process. Furthermore, Monsha’at contributed by detailing their ‘Jadeer’ service and the qualification mechanism to leverage private sector project opportunities. The event included one-on-one sessions and open discussions between representatives of the entities and the ‘Ambitious’ enterprises.
The objective of this event was to foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem and to cultivate professional relationships with the target audience. It also aimed to identify and address the main challenges that ‘Ambitious’ enterprises might encounter. Monitoring, evaluating, and enhancing the program was another focal point, achieved by engaging with the target group to understand more about the ‘Ambitious’ program and the services it offers, as well as to strengthen the bonds between ‘Ambitious’ enterprises and enabling partners.
Through hosting the Ambitious Wednesday meetings, Monsha’at seeks to bring together key enabling partners across various fields; to support entrepreneurs and to smooth out any challenges they may face, thereby fostering the growth of their enterprises and commercial endeavors.