Misk Academy, an initiative by the Mohammed bin Salman Charity Foundation (Misk Charity), in partnership with Udacity, has commenced the third installment of its program involving 1,966 young Saudis, encompassing university students, employees, and job seekers. This initiative is designed to enhance and construct digital skills in the ever-evolving digital world.
The program spans across the country, allowing students to pursue various specializations via online studies. Participants from the regions of Riyadh and Mecca are expected to attend a weekly in-person session with their instructor, while those from other areas will engage in virtual discussions, reviewing content and exploring ideas presented in the program.
Each year, the Misk Academy and Udacity program targets approximately 6,000 individuals, including students, job seekers, and professionals seeking career development. The curriculum includes 14 programs across four specialized tracks: programming, data, digital marketing, and artificial intelligence.
This collaboration is a step towards the development of tech entrepreneurs in the Kingdom and aims at building and enhancing the technical knowledge and skills of job seekers in the sector. It is expected to have a significant impact on this demographic by improving their job prospects in data and technology fields, equipping them with practical skills to grow businesses, and assisting in career advancement for those already employed.
The program reflects Misk Academy’s methodology of providing a comprehensive educational ecosystem, from training to empowering graduates to succeed in the job market and compete internationally. Remarkably, 65% of graduates report career progression within six months of program completion.
Misk Academy takes pride in its global partnerships in the tech sector and focuses on producing young professionals with high-level knowledge and skills, enabling them to make substantial contributions to their organizations and to the development of leadership models in Saudi Arabia.